
Smart Industry

Fourth industrial revolution is a fact. Industry leaders already learned how technology can help optimize manufacturing processes. This is happening around whole industry environment.

Machines at productions lines are acting with better precision and higher speed providing better manufacturing performance. Sensors are being deployed in various manufacturing floor locations providing data inputs to preventive maintenance, energy management, process optimisations. All advantages are easily demonstratable in business cases convincing manufacturing facilitators to make investment decisions. An opportunity for IoT systems integrators is significant – thus variety of available vendors and technologies make their live complicated. Softgent’s Flexgent solution helps to overcome IoT deployment complexity and beside delivering values associated with hassle free connectivity it provides platform for efficient and cost-effective device & connectivity management.

Data driven manufacturing optimizations

Manufacturers Holy Grail is to enable products to self-process, store data, communicate and integrate with larger industrial eco-system. This can be accomplished by engaging IoT sensors to measure operating conditions and efficiency. Efficiency measures not only apply to machines up times but also to manufacturing environment as well as data driven inventory optimisations etc.

Condition based maintenance

IoT sensors can be used as a source of data for condition-based maintenance providing indicators for service actions that could prevent future downtimes. Acquired data points can also be used for optimizing workforce schedules and perform equipment service on a need basis only.

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