

Without the Shield Box, 5G testing is out of the question

Niche technologies based on 5G are becoming increasingly common. A fast and secure network that guarantees low latency is an excellent option not only for data transmission to and from mobile devices. There are several use case scenarios related to device mobility: vehicles, drones, and IoT devices.

5G technology not only guarantees reliable and secure connections but also provides several market-seeking services such as for example. localization.  

Many companies see market potential in these technologies. Many are developing new devices and new software. All this work has one common denominator. They require testing in a near-target environment.  


One of the basic tools to help test 5G solutions is the Shield Box, also known as RF-shielded enclosures or Faraday cages. Using these devices can significantly enhance 5G testing particularly when testing devices, antennas, and RF components.  


Here’s how we use Shield Boxes at Softgent to help our customers bring safe 5G solutions to market: 


  • Isolation and Control:
    Shield boxes provide a controlled and isolated test environment, shielding external RF signals and electromagnetic interference (EMI). This isolation ensures that the testing conditions are consistent and reliable. 


  • RF Emissions Testing:
    Shield boxes prevent external RF signals from interfering with the test process, allowing accurate measurement of the device’s emissions. 


  • Antenna Testing:
    Shield boxes help us create controlled conditions for measuring antenna performance without external interference. This is crucial for optimizing antenna design and efficiency. 


  • Radiated Testing:
    Shield boxes are used in radiated testing to assess the radiated power, efficiency, and radiation pattern of antennas and devices. They prevent unwanted external RF signals from affecting the test results. 


  • Conducted Testing:
    For conducted testing of RF components and circuits, we equip shield boxes with connectors and fixtures to facilitate the testing of components in a controlled RF environment. 


  • Prototype Development:
    Shield Boxes are also used during the development of 5G devices and components to test early prototypes in controlled conditions before full-scale testing and certification. 


Softgent works closely with leading shield box suppliers. We can both create a dedicated test environment for you in our labs or equip, prepare, and configure your lab for testing 5G-based solutions 


If you are producing or planning to produce a solution based on 5G technologies, we invite you to contact us. Our experts can provide advice and assistance. 


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