
Healthcare IoT

Optimize equipment, medication and energy usage to enhance safety and efficiency while reducing expenses


Equipment Tracking and Management

In healthcare equipment tracking and management, there are many challenges that require effective solutions. Manual tracking and outdated systems can hinder real-time control over the location and availability of medical devices, which leads to delays in patient care.

Ensuring that equipment is available and in proper working condition is complex and can lead to errors, such as devices being listed as available when sent out for repairs or maintenance. It is crucial to track which devices have been cleaned and disinfected to prevent hospital-acquired infections.


Identifying the current location and availability of medical devices quickly is often hindered by manual tracking methods or outdated systems. This can lead to delays in patient care as staff spend valuable time searching for needed equipment.

Maintenance and Functionality

Ensuring that equipment is not only available but also in proper working order adds another layer of complexity. Equipment out for repair or maintenance might still be listed as available in systems that are not updated in real-time.

Infection Control

In the context of infection prevention and control, it's vital to track which devices have been cleaned and disinfected after use. Manual tracking methods can lead to errors or oversights, increasing the risk of hospital-acquired infections.

Utilization Efficiency

Without real-time tracking, hospitals cannot effectively monitor the utilization rates of their devices, leading to potential over or underinvestment in certain types of equipment.

Temperature Control and Monitoring

Our innovative temperature monitoring solutions address critical healthcare challenges by ensuring consistent environmental conditions, safeguarding medication efficacy, and reducing risks during medical procedures.

With advanced technology and real-time alerts, we streamline operations, enhance patient safety, and optimize resource utilization, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards.

Consistent Environmental Conditions

Maintaining specific temperature ranges is essential for the efficacy and safety of medications, vaccines, blood products, and the stability of laboratory specimens. Manual checks or outdated systems can result in unnoticed deviations, compromising patient care and treatment outcomes.

Equipment and Supply Integrity

The integrity of temperature-sensitive equipment and supplies depends on consistent environmental conditions. Fluctuations outside of safe ranges can damage these items, leading to increased risks during medical procedures and potential waste of expensive resources.

Patient Safety and Compliance

Adhering to strict temperature control standards is crucial for infection control and patient safety. Failure to maintain required temperatures can lead to regulatory penalties and impact hospital accreditation.

Operational Efficiency and Cost

Manual temperature monitoring is labor-intensive and prone to inaccuracies, leading to inefficient use of staff time and potential financial losses from spoiled supplies. Inadequate monitoring systems fail to provide real-time alerts, hindering prompt response to temperature excursions and increasing operational costs through waste and additional regulatory scrutiny.

Maximizing Space Efficiency

In healthcare, efficient room availability and scheduling are paramount for optimizing resources and improving patient care.

Manual or outdated systems often lead to underutilization or overcrowding, affecting patient flow and overall satisfaction.

Room Availability and Scheduling:

Identifying the current availability and optimal use of hospital spaces such as consultation rooms, operating theaters, and patient rooms can be challenging with manual or outdated systems. This often leads to underutilization or overcrowding of these critical resources, affecting patient flow and care delivery.

Efficient Use of Facilities

Without real-time data on room usage, hospitals struggle to allocate spaces efficiently. This inefficiency can result in prolonged wait times for patients, delayed procedures, and underutilized staff, impacting both patient satisfaction and hospital revenue.

Enhancing Patient Experience

Efficient room allocation directly influences patient care and overall satisfaction. Delays in accessing the necessary spaces for consultation, treatment, or surgery can negatively affect patient outcomes and perceptions of care quality.

Cost Efficiency and Revenue

Inefficient use of space not only increases operational costs due to underutilization of hospital assets but also limits the potential revenue generated from these resources. Optimizing space usage can lead to significant cost savings and enhanced capacity for patient care services.

Effective Energy Management

Implementing IoT sensors and precise environmental sensing in each room enables automatic adjustments to lighting, heating, and cooling systems, significantly improving energy efficiency by detecting unoccupied spaces.

Full integration with existing BMS, coupled with AI and data analytics, allows for proactive correction of configuration errors, achieving up to 30% savings annually, while tailored adjustments to fresh air supply and chilled water temperature can lead to up to 50% overall energy savings by meeting occupants’ needs more efficiently.

Adapting to Usage Patterns

Traditional Building Management Systems (BMS) often struggle to adapt to the dynamic and fluctuating nature of energy consumption within buildings, including hospitals. This static approach can result in significant energy inefficiency and wastage, as the systems fail to adjust to real-time occupancy and usage levels.

IoT and Environmental Sensing

Implementing IoT sensors and precise environmental sensing in each room enables the detection of unoccupied spaces, allowing for automatic adjustments to lighting, heating, and cooling systems. Integrating these sensors with existing BMS and utilizing data analytics and AI can lead to significant improvements in energy efficiency.

Enhanced BMS Integration

Through full integration with existing BMS and the application of AI and data analytics, it is possible to detect and correct configuration errors within the BMS controls. This proactive approach can achieve up to 30% savings annually by fine-tuning systems based on actual needs rather than preset schedules.

Adjusting to Occupant Needs

By adjusting fresh air supply and chilled water temperature in accordance with the number of occupants, buildings can significantly reduce unnecessary energy consumption. This tailored approach ensures that energy is used efficiently, contributing to up to 50% overall energy savings.

Your Trusted Healthcare Solution

Trackgent offers a reliable and precise positioning tool to optimize staff and equipment flows in hospitals, clinics, and other medical facilities. Our software provides real-time insights and results, solving critical issues with optimization of workflow management processes based on accurate, real-time positioning of people and objects.

Why Chose Our Healthcare IoT Solutions?

Discover our cutting-edge healthcare IoT solution, meticulously designed to elevate patient experience and streamline caregivers’ workflow. From advanced remote monitoring systems to seamless real-time tracking capabilities, our products are engineered to enhance outcomes while simultaneously reducing costs.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn how our healthcare IoT solutions can benefit you and your patients.